Jack Miller

Delving into the world of cybersecurity.

Introduction | Jack Miller


March 20, 2024

Hello! This is my first post, and I’ll use it to talk about myself and give some insight into who I am.

So, as you probably know by now, my name is Jack Miller. As of me writing this I am 19 years old and about to be finishing up my second semester of college at the University of Central Florida. Here, I am pursuing a bachelor’s degree in information technology, though this wasn’t always my plan.

I spent pretty much the entirety of high school preparing myself to go into aerospace engineering, as I have always loved aviation. This all changed in my senior year when I took AP Calculus BC (and hated it). I realized that these high-level math classes weren’t for me. I was able to get by with decent grades, but I thought it was boring. Just the thought of going to that class each day was mentally draining. I tbought to myself, “Do I really want to take any more calculus classes? Is this kind of thing something I truly enjoy?”

In the end, I realized it wasn’t, and in June 2023, before I even started my first day of college, I had changed majors to information technology. I believe it is important to make your career something you are truly passionate about. I have always had in interest in computers, but I don’t like doing lots of coding, so I could never be a software engineer or some sort of programmer. Cybersecurity (while it can still require a degree of coding, it is certainly more tolerable for me) seemed like the perfect field for me to get into.

Now, I don’t regret my decision at all. I am enjoying learning about different areas of cybersecurity, and slowly determining which route I would like to take for my career.

Anyways, here are some of my other hobbies and interests, which I may also occassionally talk about on my blog. I play bass guitar (and a little bit of electric guitar), and I love lots of different types of music. I like playing video games, and right now I am learning to skate. I bought a board to get around campus, but I do want to learn some tricks at some point.

Overall, I will be using this blog to document my learning journey and share my experiences as I continue my studies. I do hope that someday someone else who is looking to get into cybersecurity will find this useful and/or interesting!

I plan on making my next post about TryHackMe soon, since I just recently started using it, and would like to share my thoughts so far as a beginner.